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How to enter the English lyrics.
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When you enter the English lyrics, enter them by the words, “one”, “together” etc. Some words are entered in two notes per word, and so you need to prepare several notes depends on the words.

For example, you can enter in one note the word “one” because it is one syllable. The word “together” is divided into tree syllables ([to-]/[ge-]/[ther]), so you need to prepare tree notes.

The syllables depend on the word, when you don’t know how many note you have to prepare, open the advanced settings of the lyric entering pallet and set the remaining lyrics to “add notes”, then the notes are added automatically when they aren’t enough.

*You can change the note length added automatically at “added note length” in advanced settings.
*You can check the syllables in [TIPS]Spell check of the English lyrics.

the remaining lyrics can be forced to put into one note by setting to “put all into the last note”.