Support »
The letters get blurred.
Category :SupportError when starting Piapro Studio

Depends on the graphic tip in your PC, there is a possibility that the letters of the editor get blurred because of a compatibility with graphic/font-related system settings. In this case, check the article below.

・Invalidate the font-related utility while you are installing.

・Unlock the ClearType font function(smoothing the line of the font).
Turn off “validate the ClearType” in the settings of the display.
Control panel → Display → Adjustment of the ClearType text

・Unlock the font smoothing(smoothing the line of the font).
Turn off “smoothing the edge of the screen font” in the performance settings of the system.
Control panel → System → Advanced settings of the system → “settings” of performance → Custom

・Invalidate the Windows Aero.
Set any “basic theme and high contrast theme” in the theme settings of the display.
Control panel → personal settings